Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Will You Say He is Good?

        Just a few days ago I lay on a cold hard table wearing a hospital gown and earplugs I had my body placed inside a small tunnel. While inside this tunnel, I had to lay perfectly still while loud sounds permeated around me. Sounds that mimicked planes, jackhammers, whirlies, tambourines, tinker toys, and many other loud noises. You get the picture. It was anything but pleasant. In the past, I was able to have my favorite music piped into the tunnel to soothe me but this time they were not set up for that option. I was slightly disappointed. So instead I lay in the tunnel and prayed. I prayed for God to just make the time go by quickly, to help me not to be concerned with the results, for God to help me not to move, for God to put me at rest and peace. I sang songs of worship in my head but not ones that would get me too stirred up because those that have seen me recently know that I can get really excited and move during a good song. Unfortunately, the MRI/MRA scan table was not my friend this time. I was in a lot of pain. The back of my head felt like it was being pinched and I could not take it any longer. I had to have them stop the machine three different times. I was in so much pain that I needed to move my head and massage it. By the end of the scan I was so relieved to be done but concerned nevertheless because I have had multiple MRIs and never experienced this sort of pain during one before. I have been waiting on the phone call since Monday morning. You know how it goes when you wait for that phone to ring, it never rings until you walk away and then come back and realize you have a voicemail. Well, I refused to have that happen. So today I decided to jump the gun and call them first. But before I did, I took a few minutes and spent some time with God.
      You see, I also had the privilege of sharing a portion of my testimony with some great ladies this morning after we talked about Job in the bible. Now I was quick to point out that I am nothing like Job and do not wish to be compared to Job because unlike Job, I have sinned and needed forgiveness. One thing I loved about Job even says, "should we accept only good from God and not trouble?' 2:10 Even Job, a man without sin, knew that he wasn't above persecution and suffering. Even Jesus himself suffered while on this Earth, so what makes us think we are better than him? Why should we think we are above suffering? I am not Job, but I have faced trials, small and large, and from these trials I have learned a few things. One thing I have learned is that you can get to the light. There is hope! So before I picked up the phone today seeking results I prayed-

              Dear God, 
                  Let me not forget that you have brought me through so many trials already. If this is not the         
                  news I want to hear let me praise you anyways. Let me trust you already have a plan and 
                  that you will work it out. God, let me rest in you and have faith that everything will be okay. 

Then I dialed the number. The receptionist/nurse told me she would call me back shortly. In the meantime I was reading a devotional and these verses catapulted off the page: 

Jeremiah 17:7, “But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.” (NIV)
1 John 5:14, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” (NIV)

So here I was asking the Lord to give me the desires of my heart but do so in His will. That if it is to be that I endure more suffering to help me accept that plan over my life and not react with the panic, knee jerk reaction that I always have when things go wrong. These verses were clearly telling me that I could have confidence that no matter what I could trust that He knows my wants, desires and needs. So I quieted myself and I waited, not knowing what the answer would be and praying I would respond with grace.

Within minutes my cellphone rang and Jennifer, the receptionist/nurse, spoke these simple words of truth that were music to my ears - "EVERYTHING LOOKS STABLE"! Praise you Lord! Blessings!
I do need to followup with my neurologist because the symptoms of tingling and numbness are persisting but I believe that it will stop because it has in the past. I am relieved to know that the hand of God is upon me once again! I guess my next trial will just have to wait, but I promise you I am not immune and my time is coming because with every mountain top--there is a valley. The difference for me this time is I am armed and ready! 

What about you--will you say He is good? 

Isaiah 12:2
See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The LORD God is my strength and my song; he has given me victory."

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