Sunday, November 29, 2009

Kaitlyn's Cute Antics

Kaitlyn ran an errand with me this evening and she couldn't wait to take her baby doll with her. This baby doll just happens to be one that we had packed away up in the attic because she never played with her when we gave it to her 2 years ago. Tonight she took the bottle and her play phone that we found in the attic with us to the store. She was feeding the baby in the car while talking on the cellphone to various people. She was sighing and explaining to the person on the other end of this pretend conversation that she would "have to call you back because the baby is crying and she is trying to get her to go to sleep". Then she said, "well, I will call you when I get back from the store, okay". Next thing I knew she was shushing her baby doll and telling her not to cry and to go to sleep. Then she said, "ugh..hold is ringing mommy...I got to take this call okay". She answered and told them "I'll call you back when I get back from the store, okay". Then she said, "Oh no. I got to call my Nana and Mawmaw and tell them something about the baby". I giggled because I knew she was mimicking me the entire time. Then, the ultimate funny phrase came out of her mouth as she pretended to have a conversation with her Nana ---- "Hi, ummm, Nana...yes...did you go over the river and thru the woods to get there?". I busted out laughing as I drove the van. Of course, she didn't like that I was laughing and she didn't know why so I had to explain to her that I was laughing at something else. She then proceeded to call her mawmaw and ask for directions to the beach because based on her conversation that is where mawmaw and pawpaw are right now and she wanted to take the baby to see them. HILARIOUS!!!!

1 comment:

Sissy said...

So sweet! Looks like she'll be all ready for a phone when the day comes...ten years from now!

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