Friday, January 23, 2009

All By Myself

Okay so this may seem trivial to most but this morning I got Kaitlyn up and ready for preschool, Kyleigh fed, took care of my needs, and we were out the door and on our way to preschool by 8am!!! This is a miracle in itself in my book. I was so worried about doing this by myself for the first time today but Kaitlyn was so cooperative and happy this morning. Kyleigh slept until almost 7am and then woke up happy and ready to eat. Both girls were happy little campers in the car on the way to preschool. We managed to get to the preschool and Kaitlyn showed off her little sister to all of the teachers. She was beaming like a proud little mommy. She washed her hands, signed in with her polar bear, gave me a big hug and kiss and walked us to the door like a big girl without any tears whatsoever. I was so proud of her and myself for accomplishing such a major task this morning. Yeah!!! (This doesn't mean that I'm ready to do it everyday though--need to have some more practice runs first). 


The Stainbacks said...

Crystal...It's Katie Stainback...I understand completely the SUCCESS of your task this morning. I remember it being tough with one, let alone two. I might be coming for some lessons!! Take care and keep well!

Kathy Sims said...

Congratulations! I'm proud of you! Like I said yesterday, I did it with Nicholas and the TWINS! It's no small feat, nothing to take lightly, but amazing at what you can accomplish. The more practice you have the better you will become with it! Just wait until you go to the STORE with them both..........ALONE!!!! :)

Kathy Sims

Sissy said...

That is one great morning!

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